I'm so glad you've stopped by my blog! I am a Women's Minister and a former Pastor's Wife. I love finding God in my regular-everyday-stuff. I struggle with keeping up with the laundry, I love blogging, and my kids are my first line of ministry. I am recently widowed. So God and I are on a brand new journey as I try to find peace and understanding. Please grab a cup of coffee and let's get to know one another as we journey on our faith walk together.

Monday, October 11, 2010

From my kitchen table & beyond!

One of my most favorite things is studying God's Word.  I get up early and read my One Year Bible every day, but Monday is my day to prepare for the Bible Studies that I teach throughout the week.  I look forward to Monday with excitement.

I know that after I get the kids settled - Jordan off to school and JP working on something that brings him joy (trucks, trains, movies, outside adventures), then I can spread out my books & computer at the kitchen table and dive right in to a place of comfort!

However "fun" it is to study God's Word... at some point I must get up from the kitchen table and actually go out and live what I read.

JP (our 3 year old son), loves Buzz Lightyear!  He loves saying, "to infinity & beyond!"  It's really quite cute!  I thought about this as I focused on my prayer time today.  I know God wants me to take what He shows me at the kitchen table and "go beyond"!  

Wouldn't it be great to read about His love, His mercy, His grace and all the other "feel-good" things in scripture and then walk outside the doors of safety of our home and actually feel & experience them all the time?  To have that "feel-good" feeling all the time with no trials or tragedies.  Like being a believer could somehow put a force shield around me and I would never experience pain.

God's Word is not just true when times are great - God's Word is true all the time!

God's Word is not just true when I can see the hand of God moving - God's Word is true even when I don't understand it - or can even see that He's working all things together for my good!

At some point you have to ask yourself - "Do I really believe what I read about my God.... all the time!"

Do I believe that He is faithful, loving, gracious, even when... no, especially when times are really hard, and days are dark & uncertain.

My friend Rachel over at A Steady Rain, posted a song yesterday by Steven Curtis Chapman, called You Are Faithful.  If you know the road that Steven & his family have walked in the past few years, you know this song is an amazing testimony of who God is in his life.

Psalm 33:4 (ESV)
For the Word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does.

He is not just faithful when times are easy, He is not just faithful when I approve of the circumstances, He is not just faithful when I'm sitting at my kitchen table or in church....

He is faithful in my Monday through Saturday - in ALL THAT HE DOES He is Faithful!  I must trust this and find comfort and peace that the Word of the Lord is right and true - ALL THE TIME!  Even when times are hard.

Life is where the rubber meets the road with your faith.  

I must believe that God is faithful when I get up from my kitchen table.  

Today, I too am proclaiming & relying on the faithfulness of God... even though I don't always see it.

I know my God is faithful... from my kitchen table & beyond!

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