I'm so glad you've stopped by my blog! I am a Women's Minister and a former Pastor's Wife. I love finding God in my regular-everyday-stuff. I struggle with keeping up with the laundry, I love blogging, and my kids are my first line of ministry. I am recently widowed. So God and I are on a brand new journey as I try to find peace and understanding. Please grab a cup of coffee and let's get to know one another as we journey on our faith walk together.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Beauty of a Pressure Relief Valve

I've been in some sort of ministry for just over 10 years.  But in my "former life", I was a chemist!  In one of my many chemist jobs, I worked for a chemical company where I was responsible for 100's of gas cylinders.  Our company provided and maintained the gas delivery systems for Motorola.

I learned in that job every gas cylinder has a Pressure Relief Valve (PSV).  This type of valve controls or limits the pressure build up due to a process upset, system failure, or fire.  Basically it keeps the cylinder from exploding - from totally destroying the vessel!

Read that definition again.  

Wouldn't it be great if we as Moms, had a Pressure Relief Valve!  Something that we could adjust or turn when pressure was building up, when systems in our life were failing, when too much heat was applied to our day?!

To read the rest - come see me over at Seeds of Faith!  Let's share a cup of coffee together and discover how God has designed us with built-in devices that can lower our pressures!!!

Seeds Of Faith For The Christian Mom

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