At the end of the day, instead of brooding over it all, I decided to call a loyal & trusted friend... my Mom! Not only did she offer great advice, and help me put the craziness in proper perspective - but she made me laugh! When I started the phone call I was frustrated and exhausted, and after we said our good-byes, I was bounding up the stairs - renewed and refreshed for storytime with the kids - and I didn't even look for the shortest book on the shelf - I read them a new book!
What can I say about my Mom? I love her so much - and am learning more and more as I age, what a great woman she is - she is a great mother, a wonderful friend, a loyal servant to the Lord, she sets a great example to me on how to be a wife, she's literally a missionary at her place of business, oh my... I could on and on - and no - it's not her birthday or even Mother's day!
I want to suggest something for you all... call your Mom! Make it regular. Years ago, (I can't even remember who started it or when it began) but she & I started talking on the phone every Saturday. This has made the difference in our relationship! It's made the difference in my sanity some weeks! I don't miss a Saturday with her. In fact, my husband has even begun asking - "How was your time with your Mom today?" - every Saturday. He sees the difference in me when I spend time with my Mother.
I know not all of you may have a good relationship with your Mother, or some of your Mothers may no longer be living and for you my heart aches. I don't know what I would do without mine.
For the rest of you, commit today to just give her a call - out of the blue - and just do life with her! I'm sure you would make her day - and she might just make yours as well!!!
Tell me...
what special thing do
you love about your Mom?!
you love about your Mom?!
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I've recently met your Mom through her blog, and I love her too! :o)
I'm fortunate that my Mom lives around the corner from me. We chat frequently and schedule "Girl Time" with one another just like I do with my daughter. As I get older, I've realized how much I have in common with my Mom. Instead of fighting those commonalities, I'm embracing them. My Mom is fabulous! She has the best heart of hospitality I've ever seen. She's the best baker and cook I know. My Mom is loving and joyful, quirky and funny. We have the best time when we're together. I love her and thank God for her. She is a great blessing in my life. Happy Wednesday! :o)
Moms are awesome aren't they? I go out to lunch with my parents every Saturday afternoon.
Happy iFellowship day!
Hey Penny ..I am here from ifellowship and because you are true to your word and you do follow faithfully! I so appreciate your comments on my blog but also this post! I live aways from my mom, which makes me sad ...but you know, I WILL call her today! Thanks Penny! (her name is Penny too :)
HI Penny! I mentioned you in this post at the MODsquad today!
Thanks for the inspiration!
What a great post! My mom and I go to church together, sing together, so I see her every week. Dad and her help out when the kids need a ride or when all of us need guidance. She is always willing to help out. She is an elder's wife and a firm woman of God. We share books we read with each other and with other's in the church. We have a great relationship.
What a blessing you are to EACH OTHER. I was fortunate to live close enough to my mother to see her at least once a week. In the short time we had together in the "mother/daughter" to "daughter/mother" roll she was able to give me wisdom and strength to go many years without her. Even at almost 60 years of age there are many times I wish she were here with her strong shoulder for me to lean on. I have my wonderful memories though to keep in my heart. Keep making yours with your precious mother, store them up. You will have them always to treasure. "And yes anyone listening", Penny's Mother is everything Penny said and MORE! I love you both more than you can know.
What a great post. I talk to my mom on the phone just about every night. We just go over what we did that day. I love my mom so much. She is so special. She is caring, generous and would do anything for her family. She is always there whenever you need anything. It just seems automatic for her.
I would love to add a page for my blog friends' buttons, but don't know how to do it. I will have to look into that.
Happy iFellowship Day!
Hey Penny--great post. My mom is my rock. She's always there for me, whenever and for whatever. She is a very practical person, so when I need sound advice, I go to her. I am also very close to my dad, who is my strength. When I need to know that everything will be okay, I give him a call. Sometimes when I'm talking to my mom I'll have to say, "Just put Dad on the phone!" and vice versa. :-)
Happy iFellowship! :-)
I talk to my mom when I hit tough spots and she always helps me in one way or another. We have never been really close, but through parenting, and some tough things here and there we have been able to connect like never before. Funny how hard times brings you closer in relationships. God is so good.
I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with my mom! She lives 15 minutes from me and I am so very grateful that she does!
Happy ifellowship day!
Many Blessings!
My mom is no longer with me but she lives in my heart and mind. As a little girl I asked her if she wanted me to bring her flowers when she was gone. She replied, bring them when I am alive & can enjoy them. Instead help others or buy something they need and I will see it and smile. This I do and I feel her happiness each time I honor this promise.
Hey Penny!! Just stopping by to say Happy iFellowship Day! =)
What a blessing that you have such a wonderful relationship with your mom. Some of us do not have that kind of mom, unfortunately.
Thanks for stopping by from iFellowship!
Great having you stop in on my blog and so glad I read your post as well. It DOES seem like we are often on the same wavelength ... it must be the name. =0)
From the mom's perspective, I can tell you how much I appreciate hearing from and sharing with my adult daughters. I bet it wasn't only you who were blessed by your conversation.
There is not enough space in this box to share how I feel about my mother - nor enough time at the pulpits of America to speak it all. Her time on earth is winding down - I spent her 75th birthday with her just last September. The "respect cards" that I create and the blog that I write are the beginning of her dream come true - it was all her idea! We talk daily - for hours sometimes - about the the direction God is taking us, teaching us, enriching our lives. We are so blessed. I am so blessed.
So - when you read my blog or browse my cards - remember that "my mother made me" do this and I am so grateful that she did.
You embody the principle of honoring your father and your mother... may your days be long and happy, and may God bless me to give you the dreams of your heart!
Hi Penny! Thank you for following my blog! This post is an excellent reminder! We should show our parents how much we appreciate them, and not just on Mother's or Father's Day, or on their birthdays! Our parents sacrificed so much for us, the least we could do is appreciate them! :) In fact, we should show everyone we love that we appreciate them. What a great habit to have!
Have a wonderful day!
By the way, I just started a new meme called "Something Beautiful" every Monday. It is meant to highlight the beauty God puts into our lives. You're welcome to join if you want to!
ohhhh....what a lovely post!
I have to say, I am my mom's number one fan. She is truly an amazing woman. Tall, elegant, beautiful inside and out, a Proverbs 31 woman if ever there was one.
Recently my husband purchased headsets for Mom and me, so we can Skype to our hearts content! It's wonderful.
Anyway, what I love about Mom is her ability to maintain her grace and good humor in the most trying situations. She is truly a blessing and an inspiration.
What a great idea! Since we recently moved it's been kind of hard on my mom. We use to live just a few houses down from her so that's been a huge adjustment. I have been so busy with the move and settling in that it's been hard to find time to connect. I think having something set would definitely help us both. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, Penny what a tribute to a mom who just loves the Lord and her girls. I am so humbled by this post that I am in tears. You do not know how forward I look to our Saturday "visits-via-phon" as well, and I am so glad that we do not have to wait until Saturday to share life together. Surely I wish that we lived closer but I am so grateful for the technology that let's us communicate in as real a way as possible when you're 6 hrs away. Thanks again for honoring me in this way and stay tuned ..I know there is a blog post of my own coming from this. The Lord has truly anointed and blessed you and I am so proud to be Penny's Mom.
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