I'm so glad you've stopped by my blog! I am a Women's Minister and a former Pastor's Wife. I love finding God in my regular-everyday-stuff. I struggle with keeping up with the laundry, I love blogging, and my kids are my first line of ministry. I am recently widowed. So God and I are on a brand new journey as I try to find peace and understanding. Please grab a cup of coffee and let's get to know one another as we journey on our faith walk together.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The last kiss of the day

As I put each of my children to bed we have a routine - story, song & prayer.   JP knows when the prayer is almost over and he does the cutest thing as I'm just about to say "Amen".  He grabs my face and pulls me close and gives me a kiss.  I usually giggle, kiss him, and then try to continue on in our prayer.  However, he continues this little routine as long as he thinks I'll let him.  As I was reading my Bible this week, I read a verse that reminded me of JP's new expression of love.

Psalm 17:6-7(a)
I am praying to You because I know You will answer , O God.
Bend down and listen as I pray.  Show me Your unfailing love in wonderful ways.

I'm curious about who you go to when you need an answer to a particular situation.  Well, actually who do you go to first?  It probably depends on the situation.  

When I have a question about my kids' health, I typically call my Mom.  I have asked her on many occasions - "did you ever experience this as a Mom?"  and then "what do I do?"  

When I have a question about directions to a place I've never been before, I typically go to mapquest.com on the internet.  The places we go to for answers will vary.  But there are times when we go to the wrong place or we completely avoid the right place.  I love this verse because I see an incredible promise here.  

Let's look at it again - "I am praying to You because I know You will answer."  I wonder how often we either discount the answers that God could give us or just simple forget to pray all together.  God will answer us if we just give Him the opportunity.  If we just get quiet for long enough to hear His plan for our life He will show us amazing things!

My favorite part of this passage is found in verse 7 - "bend down and listen as I pray."  As I read this I was reminded how JP bends me down every night to give me his last kisses for the day.  It's like his way of saying - "don't leave just yet".  And you know what - it works!  As I'm bending down to him, physically I am closer to him than when I'm reading him a story or tucking him into his bed.  It's like I'm hearing his very heart concerning his desires.  And do you know what I do?  I show him love in wonderful ways - I kiss his head - his nose, and maybe even tickle him a bit.  We have a wonderful little Mommy/Son moment.  

If I can do this for my little boy - don't you think God wants to do this for us even more?!  God wants to bend down and listen to our heart.  He wants not only to give you the answers for your deepest questions - but He wants to show you His unfailing love in wonderful ways.  

Today - think about the questions that are storming your mind and your heart.  And instead of worrying about them or asking all the wrong people - take them to God.  Ask Him to bend down and listen as you pray.  Then, look for how He begins to show you His unfailing love.  Look for the wonderful ways He will answer you, love you, and most importantly lead you to victory!

JP doesn't want me to leave the room once he bends me down.  I think because he enjoys the special attention he's getting in the moment.  But I believe that after we've gone through our little nightly routine he is more prepared to handle the night.  He has been comforted enough to truly find peace and is confident to sleep throughout the night.  

I promise you, if you would but ask God to bend down toward you like JP bends me down toward him - you will experience an unfailing love like no other - you will not want the time with Him to end!  But most importantly you will be equipped to take on anything that comes your way!  You will experience comfort so you can truly find peace throughout your night.

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