We've all been at this place! Whether it was in trying to make a good relationship better, responding to a specific assignment in ministry, or just "training up your children in the way that they should go" - we all get to a point where we feel like it's just not working!
I read something this morning that gave me tremendous hope! I hope it gives you that same energy boost that it gave me.
1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV)
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord our labor is not in vain.
As soon as I read this verse, I stopped and opened my journal. I wrote the following:
My instructions:
1. Be steadfast - both focused on the tasks the Lord has given me & in my love for those He's put in my path2. Be immovable - meaning don't be so flighty, be firm where He has planted me in this season of my life. Be committed to His way and not my own.
3. Abound in the work of the Lord. Be passionate about my assignment - no matter what the results look like - give my all to Him, overflow in my work!
No where in these instructions does it say when to give up! No where in these instructions does it give stipulations for low results. It only says what I'm to do - totally disconnected from the appearance of victory! So what helps keep me going? How can I be positive if the outcome does not "look" positive?
After evaluating all of this I wrote:
Truth & Hope:
in the Lord... my labor is not in vain!
The bottom line: The Lord is the One in charge - He is in control of the results - I am only to follow instructions - be steadfast, be immovable and abound in the work of the Lord. My friends... the hope of victory is clear - you will not work in vain if you are working in the Lord's strength and doing what He says to do! It may not always be glamorous (potty training), it may not pay a lot, if anything (helping those in need), the hours may be long and the location may seem far from where you thought you would be - but find energy and hope - that...
in the Lord our labor is not in vain.
Great word, Pen! We are called to obey... God gives the results as He chooses.
Your adoring Husband.
Thanks for another encouraging post Penny. Great reminder to be faithful and trust the LORD for the outcome.
That's just what I needed to hear after the not-so-fabulous day I'm having. Thanks for the words and the Word. Happy Tuesday! :o)
Very encouraging, grounded post.
You are such an encouragement!! This ties directly into my Bible study this morning. God calls us at times to do small things, unglamorous things, but they all give glory to God. Therefore, we persevere and do them!
be thou faithful....
Beautiful, Penny. Thank you for the reminder, it is right on time.
That's the Spirit daughter of mine and before you know it you will be singing that old hymn "It will be worth it all when we see Jesus." But sooner than that, when you have the blessing that I have of seeing your children loving and serving Him as well, because you didn't quit, but just kept on doing what He told you to do TODAY!! That gets awfully hard and it challenges us all to give those serving our Lord in a special way some real encouragement!! So heh, out there in blog world: how about it?? Tell someone that's serving Him and ministering to you, "Thank You"...it will go a long way in the kingdom of God..and guess what?? It doesn't cost a thing...
That's encouraging, Penny! Also reminded me of this verse: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." -- Galatians 6:9 (A good one for parenting!)
Loved this post! Many times we may never see the harvest and sometimes it is years down the road. I learned this with my oldest daughter. I was convinced she didn't hear me and that my effort were in vain only to find out now (later) that she did hear it all. It just took her some time to recognize and put it into practice. I'm so glad I didn't give up! The Lord works in mysterious ways that many times we cannot comprehend. Trusting in that saves my sanity often!
Glad you stopped by - it's great to meet you!
Just what I needed to hear today! I've been feeling a little discouraged and needed this reminder!
What a great reminder!!!
Thanks Penny!
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