I'm so glad you've stopped by my blog! I am a Women's Minister and a former Pastor's Wife. I love finding God in my regular-everyday-stuff. I struggle with keeping up with the laundry, I love blogging, and my kids are my first line of ministry. I am recently widowed. So God and I are on a brand new journey as I try to find peace and understanding. Please grab a cup of coffee and let's get to know one another as we journey on our faith walk together.

Monday, February 20, 2012

So here's the thing...

I often encourage my students, as well as my own children, to use proper vocabulary - to not be lazy with their words.  So in a way, I feel a little guilty about my blog this morning - because I'm going to use a word that will probably seem a little on the lazy side.

What's the word?  THING.

You know... it's the word you use when you're having trouble defining what it is you're talking about or what you really want to say.

Recently someone called me to let me know how they were frustrated about a particular situation and that they needed prayer to make it through this season of their life.

As I prayed, I said these words to the Lord... "God this is just one more thing she has to deal with!"  It was in that moment that the Holy Spirit began to teach me something.  Did you know the Holy Spirit has been assigned as our Teacher?!

Almost immediately when I said the words "one more thing" - my perspective changed.  The Lord showed me that often times what we see as that "one more thing" we have to deal with in life - that may seem so annoying, frustrating and exhausting - is indeed THE THING He's created us for in the first place!

Let that sink in for just a moment.  Instead of saying, "this is just one more thing on my plate" -try this... "how can I bring honor to the Lord in THE THING He's given me to handle?"

Perspective.  I've been chewing on this one for quite some time.  It helps me when I think I just want to get past something to realize that perhaps I'm not supposed to just get past it - but triumph in it in some way!

What if I miss out on God's total purpose for my life because I was trying to get past this THING (that is hard) - when He wants to bring Glory THROUGH or BECAUSE of this THING.

As I was typing out this blog - and aware of the fact that I was over-using the word THING - a verse came to my mind.  It made me realize that to use the word "thing" is not so lazy after all!

Psalm 27:4
The one thing I ask of the Lord, the thing I seek most, 
is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, 
delighting in the Lord's perfections 
and meditating in His Temple.

This "thing" that may indeed, after all, be my purpose instead of my enemy, can best be handled when I'm seeking Him the most.  I know that as I live in His presence He will direct my steps and my heart!

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