I'm so glad you've stopped by my blog! I am a Women's Minister and a former Pastor's Wife. I love finding God in my regular-everyday-stuff. I struggle with keeping up with the laundry, I love blogging, and my kids are my first line of ministry. I am recently widowed. So God and I are on a brand new journey as I try to find peace and understanding. Please grab a cup of coffee and let's get to know one another as we journey on our faith walk together.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Fun & Silly Ones...

Okay - so I've written about your favorite Christmas movie, and your favorite Christmas ornament...

you knew this one had to come....

Your Favorite Christmas Song!

I love Christmas music!  I play it on my iTunes throughout the house.  Last night at our Church Staff & Elder party I had Christmas music playing in the living room and in the kitchen.

However... There are two different types - so... here on this blog I'm going to cover two different types separately - they really deserve their own day and their own space.

Today - I'm going to cover the fun & silly songs.  You know the kind of songs you sing in the car (whether traveling or just out shopping) where everyone just acts silly - no matter what their age?  I love these!  I got a Chipmunks record (remember those?) as a kid and I've never forgotten it!

Here are a few I like singing with my kids...
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (I like the inserted parts!)
Frosty the Snowman
The Chipmunks Christmas Song
I just heard one by George Strait called, Christmas Cookies - and I LOVE it!

But the one I want to share with you today has become my all time favorite!

Take a listen!  
It's called, "Christmas Time in Texas"
written by none other than my dear sweet husband!

Isn't this a fun song!!  If you want to hear it in your own iPod... it will be available on iTunes later this week! (John Franklin - Christmas Time in Texas)

Now, don't worry, I have some treasured favorites that are more about Jesus that will truly stir your heart regarding Him coming to earth to save our very souls.... but today I was in a "fun" mood!

Check back with me later for the more serious songs.... but for today my question is this...

What's your favorite funny, 
silly Christmas Song?

If you're here from iFellowship... WELCOME!
I hope you grab a cup of your favorite beverage
and hang out with me a while!

Leave me a comment, so I'll know you came by
and know that I'll be by later to visit you as well!


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